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A chat app for mobile devices using React Native...By Adewunmi Bamishigbin

Project Summary - App Chat

The Challenge

To build a chat app for mobile devices that provide users with a chat interface and the possibility to share images and their location.


Towards the process of certification for my full-stack javascript web development, i was tasked with an achievement project to build a chat app for mobile devices using React Native. According the project brief, the primary objective was to make sure the app will provide users with a chat interface and the possibility to share images and their location.

The app focuses on the vast amount of mobile phone users who use there phone for day to day activities and would like to communicate and share there personal activities with colleague and friends.

App chat




Adewunmi Bamishigbin Portrait

What went well?

Having access to testing early on in the development process of each task (using Expo cli) meant I could achieve the outlined design much quicker and manage time.

Skills: Development and user testing with Expo(cli)

Processes: User-centered development and testing

Solution: Being able to develop each task and receive user feedback after each process, should be done often

What didn't go well?

I spent a lot of time trying to simulate the current updated developments from android studio to the expo app on test users mobile device

Skills: Manage api actions with Expo(cli)

Processes: User-centered development and testing

Skills gap: Time management

Solution: Making sure all dependency packages are properly installed and follow the time schedule on each ticket.

What can be improved?

My proficiency with react-native-gifted-chat a library used to build the chat functionalities, can be improved upon for better time and skill management.

Skills: react-native-gifted-chat

Processes: building the chat functionalities

Skills gap: Time management

Solution: Increase proficiency with react-native-gifted-chat library


app-chat-login img

Chat-App login view

app-chat-text img

Chat-App texting view

app-chat-input button img

Input view

app-chat-login img

Enter location view

app-chat-pic img

Take and send a picture

app-chat-select img

Select a picture